Course Two: Decolonising The Curriculum: Beyond "Culturally Responsive"

By the end of Course Two, participants will have identified actions to dismantle those barriers (these might be personal actions or institutional barriers that need to change) to develop both curriculum content and pedagogy that are culturally sustaining and critical.

5 modules

Modules Include:

  1. The Colonised Curriculum. How our current practice works against Māori/Pasifika learners.

  2. The Decolonised Curriculum

  3. The Pluralistic Curriculum

  4. The Critical, Culturally Sustaining Curriculum

  5. My Curriculum. What can I change? Implementing the modules.

“It has given me a renewed courage to try and help others change their deficit thinking/language about our tamariki and whanau.”

— Kelli Witana