7-step guided assessment tool (with bonus Virtual White Spaces tool)

Let’s explore your school through the eyes of your
Māori and Pasifika learners.

The following seven-step guide is an activity I give to teachers and other education professionals in Course One of my three-part Online Courses.

It guides you to consider every aspect of your learning environment, and your school’s operations and practice from the perspective of a Māori learner, to identify those spaces in your school and in your teaching practice that are not culturally sustaining. These are the places that require the student to engage with learning on monocultural terms, rather than through building on their own unique identities, norms and values. 

A revealing and often challenging exercise. Take the lead, be courageous and look for areas that need changing— you will find them! 

If we, as professionals, don’t confront these issues, then we are leaving our Māori learners to blame themselves for our poor outcomes and our failure to provide a relevant education environment.

To download the Seven Steps brochure AND Step 8: “Audit your Virtual White Spaces”,
please fill out this form.

 Want to dive deeper?

Equip yourself and your school with the tools to make effective change. And do it all in your time, online, at your own pace with Ann Milne Online: